Glad to be happier than the old adage that the eye is looking. A new research has also confirmed the adage. According to the research jolly people die sooner than depressed people. Researchers in 1920, children born from childhood to old age monitoring visit and found that those who most delight are told by teachers in their schools, they secrecy than classmates who were victims of early death.
Mental disorder suspected
According to researchers who are more than happy to issue them as Baepoler chances of a victim of mental disorder is high. This kind of mental disorder makes him fearless and heedless to threats, which led to fatal accidents than they are victims. Research report says that at times inappropriate to show more pleasure at the opportunity to provoke the anger of others becomes due, and angry person can do to attack.
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Articles is increasing depression
Many universities worldwide team of researchers found that extra try to stay happy person often give pleasure rather than before the Depression. To improve the mood at a time every attempt has often proven deceit. Even magazines articles describing ways to be happy instead of pleasure only serve to increase depression. Researchers gave participants read an article that was mentioned measures to improve mood. Them one of the measures mentioned in the article referred to in order to execute to know how effective that way. After reading the article, he examined the impact on the nature of participants.
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Social relations are hidden pleasure
The participants, according to a measure described in the article decided to see a Oafbo film. When the movie ended, participants again felt betrayed themselves, because it was way worse instead of improving their mood. Psychological Perspectives of the outcome of this research in the journal Science says that the key to real happiness is so simple, that meaningful relationships with friends and family members is tied to.
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Yale University professor and co-researcher in the Psychology Department in June Gruber says that when you struggle to be happy with any motivation or hope to, so try reducing your happiness and only takes you to despair. According to research money, fame and happiness do not get external recognition but the joy is hidden in meaningful social relationships.